Sustainability - China Fleet Country Club
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We are committed to

Sustainability in Cornwall

What we do

Reducing our impact

The Club is diverse in the facilities and products it has to offer and is committed to reducing the impact we have on our environment, the ways we do this are:-

Water Supply

We have our own water supply and treatment plant. This makes us self-sufficient and able to supply quality water with little environmental impact.

Our Lighting

We use low-energy LED light fittings and have installed sensor lighting in low-use areas. We continually monitor our energy levels.


We recycle our plastic, cardboard, tins, aluminium, bottles, newspapers and cooking oil and use a zero to landfill waste company. We encourage our guests to recycle in the apartments.

Locally Sourced

We buy the majority of our food and drink from local suppliers and serve it in all of our dining areas.

Wildlife Trust

We work closely with the Cornwall Wildlife Trust to provide bird-watching facilities on the Tamar Estuary. Our Woodland Fairy Trail nature walk is designed to be fun and interactive, helping children learn about the local wildlife.

Energy Efficient

We continue to invest in energy-efficient infrastructure, this includes the use of combined heat and power equipment, efficient boilers, air handling systems, pump inverters and a self-contained irrigation system with a weather station to enhance water efficiency.

Our Plastic Free Culture

We have carried out a number of important steps in a bid to reduce plastic use and are listed on the Plastic Free Directory.

 We are registered on a community that promotes free water refills to save on plastic waste.

EV Charging Points

3 fast charging units and 1 slow charging units available (user cable required).

Healthy Living

 As a leading health club facility, we actively promote healthy living and encourage members and guests to lead healthy lifestyles by using the diverse facilities we have to offer.

Solar Panels

We have a 400kw solar array on our main Club roof helping us to reduce our carbon footprint.

Green Team

We have an Employee Green Team who are responsible for departmental initiatives.

Busy Bees

We work with the Cornwall Beekeeping Association and host two beehives on-site. This amounts to around 50,000 bees in mid-July and around 10,000 bees in the Winter months.

Wild Flowers

We continue to develop wild flower planting areas on our grounds to aid the local wildlife.

Organic Products

We use 100% organic beauty products in our Barn Spa – beauty & wellbeing.

Tree Planting

We are proud to have supported the Queen’s Green Canopy initiative and continue to contribute to improve the biodiversity of our local environment.

China Fleet Country Club is committed to becoming a more sustainable business, we continue to research and invest in the latest technology and keep it at the forefront of our business strategy.